My Story

“Life changed after I began to embrace the culture that was always there but never paid much attention to”

About Me

Hi there! Just thought I would introduce myself and let you know a little about me and my background. So I’m Jamie. A Canadian born Laotian. Both of my parents immigrated from Laos in the 1980’s. Grew up in a small, well at the time city where a lot of other Laotian families found their new homes. With both parents being full blown Asian my siblings and I were raised in a dual culture. At home we spoke Lao, ate Lao food, followed Lao tradition. Outside we switched to our Canadian sides. It really didn’t mean much to me then. It seemed normal.

Fast forward a couple years. Okay maybe like 20..As I got older and opened my eyes to the world this nagging feeling emerged.. And I began asking myself 

What is Laos? Who is a Lao person? I’m Lao? 

With my newfound search for knowledge I needed to learn more about this “other side” of me that has always been there but never cultivated. I had been living this dual life in a sense, for my whole life! First I began to ask more questions of my parents, then paid more attention to what I was saying and finally in a culminating moment traveled to Laos for the first time in my 29 years of being a Lao person.

Being in the country my parents grew up and finally seeing this “other side” of my life was an epic moment. Forever changing how I look at myself. That was 6 years ago and I have been back again since and will be going back again. My new found interest and passion stemming from a lifelong experience brought me to create this website. To share, inspire and invoke. Laos…

My Mission

Laos Awaits was created out of the love and excitement I felt when I first stepped foot in the country. The experiences that I had made me love the country more than ever. 

So I created this website. Here is where I want to share the beauty of the amazing country of Laos. Through first hand experiences as well as through friends and family I will try to give the best information, details, guides and tips on traveling in Laos. I also hope to share a bit about the culture and its people. And finally, I want to motivate you to take the leap and travel there yourself. 


Open hands sharing

Supporting others through travel

Through this website I also plan to help those in need throughout the country. I want to improve the lives of others. By bringing attention to this beautiful country more tourists may visit and provide much needed support to the hard hit tourism industry in Laos.

Me Jamie


Just a guy traveling about trying to make his way in the world. Happiness, health and strength to all.

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