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10 Must know Lao phrases for traveling in Laos

July 01/2023.

As you explore this enchanting land, take a moment to delve into the beauty of the Lao language. Lao is the official language of Laos and is spoken by the majority of its population. It helps to know a few words when trying to communicate with the locals. As English is not widely spoken. Here are a few Laos travel phrases that might come in handy on your travels.

1. Sabaidee = Hello, how are you?

Simple enough right? Laotians use this as a simple greeting everywhere they go. It can mean good day, hello, goodbye, how are you? People will appreciate the gesture when you meet them.

2. Khop chai = Thank you

Thank you. It is common nature to say thank you whenever you have received something such as a meal, gift, your change etc.

3. Maen la = Yes

Yes. Used when you agree with something as a form of acknowledgement. “Would you like it spicey?” – “Man la”, “Are you are going to the night market?” – “Man la”

4. Bor = No

No. When you disagree with something. “No thank you” – “Bor kop jai”

5. Kaluna = Please

Please. A nice gesture whenever you receive something. Be thankful and say please.

6. La kon = Goodbye, bye

Bye. An informal bye. Say it to friends and family. “La kon!” 

7. A ni thao daiy = How much is this?

How much is this? When wandering the many markets this comes in handy. 

8. Hong num yu sai = Where is the bathroom/restroom?

Where is the bathroom? An important phrase to know! Although public bathrooms are hard to find you can use this at restaurants and tourist attractions.

9. Saep = Delicious, tastes good

Delicious/tastes good! Whenever you’ve had something tasty to eat be sure to let the cook know that is was delicious! Saep! or Saep laiy(very delicious)

10. Kor thot = I'm sorry, excuse me

Sorry. Things happen and sometimes you need to pardon yourself. It is also a respectable way to get around people or ask for assistance.

Bonus! Bor Pen yung = Don't worry , it's ok, that's fine
(Bor pen yung)

Iconic to Laos the phrase “bor pen yung” rings true to the laid back country that Laos is know for being. Something bothering you? Bor pen yung. Someone accidently bumps into you and apologizes, bor pen yung. Taking the journey in stride and just accepting that some things don’t always go as planned. The phrase “bor pen yung” comes in handy.

A few words can
go a long way.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the Lao language, you’ll find it easier to navigate and connect with the local culture during your travels in Laos. Remember, even a few simple words can go a long way in creating meaningful interactions with the people you meet.

Take the time to appreciate the melodic tones and unique script of the Lao language as you immerse yourself in the vibrant markets, explore ancient temples, and savor the delectable cuisine of Laos. Embrace the language, and you’ll unlock a deeper connection with the country and its people.

So, as you embark on your Lao adventure, don’t hesitate to use these Laos travel phrases to greet with a warm “Sabaidee,” express gratitude with a heartfelt “Khop jai,” and engage in simple conversations to enhance your travel experience. The Lao people will appreciate your efforts, and you’ll find yourself immersed in the rich tapestry of this beautiful language.

Learn more about the Lao culture here: The country Laos

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